I've been sitting on these graphics of Amtrak locomotives and passenger cars for ages, having made many of them as part of the City Transit series. Originally, I wanted to make an infographic showing the typical consists of the over 40 Amtrak services, but the incredible variation in lengths didn’t end up making a good visual. Amtrak trains can range from 1-2 cars (the Springfield-Hartford Shuttle) to nearly 30 (on the Auto Train).
It’s a waste to not do anything with these designs, though, so I split them out by group below to give you a sense of the variety of rolling stock Amtrak has in fleet (not comprehensive, mind you). From the brand new Viewliner IIs that are (excruciatingly) slowly rolling out, to the Talgo trainsets of the Cascades, the classic cars running on the Piedmont, our so-called high-speed Acela Express, and the venerable Amfleet and Superliners.
Additionally, I put together a small print of these vehicles, attempting to give a nice cross section of the variety out there. Use this link, or click thumbnail to the right to view, if you’re interested.
Passenger Cars

