Greater Greater Washington
Graphics created for posts on Greater Greater Washington, a popular urbanism blog focused on the Washington DC region.
Some posts also written by myself.

"What’s spookier than arcing insulators? Our Halloween Metro map."
A Halloween-themed Washington Metro map, complete with horrifically punny names and cheesy, spooky themes.
October 2017
"Streamlined bus service routes proposed for Columbia Pike in Arlington"
Graphic showing the proposed changes to a complex series of bus routes in Arlington, Virginia. I also conducted the research and blog text for this post.
September 2017
"This awesome map demystifies Washington’s long-distance bus network"
Map showing the abstract routes of the commuter bus network of the Greater Washington region. I also conducted the research and blog text for this post.
May 2017
"14th Street could get a faster bus line. Here’s how."
Graphic of the proposed Metrobus 59 route through central DC.
January 2017
"Housing and jobs are popping up around the Green Line at breakneck pace"
Simple graphic showing the 1/4 mile walksheds of the Metro Green line in downtown DC.
January 2017
"We know where most of DC’s population lives. Does Metro run through those places?"
Simple graphics overlaying the Metro system onto maps of the District's most dense neighborhoods.
October 2016
"Why is there no Metro line on Columbia Pike?"

Detailed look at the history of proposed Metro line on Columbia Pike in Northern Virginia, why it never came to be, why it is still not seriously considered, and how it could still be a possibility. I also conducted the research and blog text for this post.
October 2016

"Get to know all the buses in the Metrobus fleet"
Detailed guide to identifying the buses of Washington's Metrobus service (at the time of writing). Each bus model represented with its own simplified graphic and accompanying information. I conducted the research for this post. (Note: the information contained is now outdated.)
April 2016

"Here's where Metro did all its weekend track work in 2015"
Schematic track map of the Washington Metro styled to the layout of the official system map. A variation was used to detail where track work was conducted over the year of 2015 and includes charts for each line.
February 2016

"You can see “scars” from old rail lines all over today’s maps of the region"
Simple graphics emphasizing the former rail lines of DC now hidden under development. I conducted the research and blog text for this post.
January 2016
"The lion's share of DC's new housing is only going in one part of the city"
Graphic depicting housing growth in the District of Columbia by neighborhood.
August 2015
"Which Metro parking lots fill up, and which don't"
Graphic using a modified version of the Washington map to illustrate the capacity of the system's Park and Ride lots.
July 2015

"Will the Purple Line appear on the Metro map?"
Several experimental maps modifying the official Washington Metro map to depict the under-construction Purple Line.
July 2015
"Modern streetcar planning in the region, visualized"
Animated map depicting the evolution of streetcar planning in the Washington DC region. Accompanied a four-part series on the history of streetcar proposals that I researched and wrote:
- A history of streetcar planning in the District
- A history of streetcar planning in Northern Virginia
- A history of streetcar planning in Anacostia
- A history of streetcar planning on H Street and Benning Road
May 2015
"A map of Montgomery County's rapid transit future"
Map depicting the proposed Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system for Montgomery County, Maryland.
February 2015

"Your transit map could look like this if Maryland builds the Red and Purple Lines"
Map depicting the combined transit networks of Washington and Baltimore, including proposed light rail lines.
February 2015